Natures way

Natures way

Nature ways

Nature ‘works with and for‘ the the good of the whole.

as nature understands ALL, as being as one. seamlessly integrated as one and interconnected.

The ancient Greeks understood that a map based ‘version’ of reality, had the potential to dominate our perception of a reality and could be used to lead us a stray.

they developed tools to keep their perceptions/ideas in a state of return to a perceived state of reality. as it were possible to get lost within the map.

One map escape tool being…. ‘Socratic Dialogue‘ Where ‘well formed’ questions would be asked and ideas/assumptions were put under constant questioning.

Socrates was so taken back with this model, he would teach this language escape tool. down the local market place, to the common and less educated folk.

This led to his demise…. as the few, casting the spells, in power and programming a ‘collective‘ map. (creating a group think reality)

where using these methods of control and human farming.

The farmer wished their methods (spells) to remain occult the vast amount of the human herd, perceived as slaves.



Programming the map

Programming the map

Get in the program

The map is programmed through repetition.

In education this method is called ‘wrote learning‘ and in the media this is called propaganda.

Hypnosis works through repetition, as hypnosis temporary programs our ‘construct‘ of reality map.

Our education is mostly about programming us to behave and act in ways, that are conducive to the well being, of just a tiny few.

Hence ‘all being’ as one…. is missed out and keeping people within perpetual states of anxiety, (flight from the right) is very important, to sustain ‘their‘ illusion.











All is One

Any form of separation is an illusion and concept of the memory based mind.

In order to store our memories and put them into context. There is a need for separation.

Our memory mind ‘makes‘ sense, through separations. (gaps)
Our right, now/sensory based mind, ‘works with’ the world in animate ways and as one. Through their directions in a ‘perceived’ space.

Hence both minds are working as one. from a right brain perspective.

however the left uses a repeat ‘map‘ model of reality and the right brain ‘work with‘ animated now/sensory based ways.

This makes ‘logic‘ a map based tool. (More on this later)

Lost in the map

Lost in the map

Lost in the map

In states of neurosis through to psychosis we become lost within our map, by degree.

The switch over from a now and sensory based version of reality was noted by many, back in the 20th century and I will refer to one model.

James/Lang theory noticed when people went into a fear like state, they would switch from a ‘right‘ based now/sensory state over to their pre-recorded map.

This model is called ‘flight from the right‘ and in recent times some have argued about a left and right brain. This is mostly through a misconception about sides.

Two as one

Two as one

Two minds work as one

The Corpus Callosum links our two brain hemispheres together as one, through a reciprocal two-way process.

In a healthy mind the right brain leads and carries the ‘map’ as a point of reference and updates the maps, where necessary.

In an unhealthy mind the map dominates our perceptions, over our senses. This can be likened to a waking dream state.

Both Freud and Jung called this waking like dream state neurosis. This would be measured by if the map overlay would increase in intensity, until it entirely overwhelmed our sensory input.

The extreme of this state being called psychosis.

Two Minds

Two Minds

the Spiritual (right) and Intellectual (left)

We ‘work with’ and ‘use’ two qualities of mind. 

A ‘dominant’ mind used, is called the ‘Memory’ mind.

A ‘leading mind ‘worked with’ is known as, ‘The Now’ and our centre.

Our brain is split down the middle and a ‘cross over’ takes place, through the corpus callosum.

Our left brain controls the right side of our body and our right brain guides the left side of our body.

A surgeon has to understand the cross over of ‘our’ body sides. When they performing operations. As our ‘sidedness’ effects the ‘ways’ that our body operates.


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